Leah Spooner - Wine

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Are hybrid grapes Canada’s unsung hero? Plus, 10 top bottles to try

From coast to coast, Canada has witnessed natural devastation to its vineyards. Forest fires, cold snaps, and flooding have destroyed entire vineyards and even regions, specifically within the past couple of vintages. Some wineries have been forced with the decision to replant, import, blend, or even worse, cut their losses and sell everything.

With provincial governing bodies having drastically different regulations, each province, and in some cases sub-appellation, consider different strategies as a way forward. One minor strategy that each region is faced with is the planting of more hybrid grapes that bode well against the shifting climatic landscape. While it’s certainly not a fix all, it has been a proven supportive measure. As a single variety or in a blend, hybrids have played a crucial role in some of the country’s top wines. For one entire province in particular, they’re even the staple.

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